“Good Guys, Good Prices”
Shrek Heating & Air Conditioning, Residential Air Conditioning Contractors, Toledo, OH

Shrek Heating & Air Conditioning opened in 2017 when owner, Brian Vanderhorst, realized the need for valued HVAC service in his Toledo backyard. After spending 15 years in the field working for other local HVAC companies, Brian ventured out on his own bringing homeowners across Toledo, OH and surrounding areas a higher quality service at better pricing.

While most home comfort systems go unseen and unheard for months, sometimes even years, without service, Shrek Heating & Air Conditioning helps educate their customers on the importance of seasonal maintenance. By strongly encouraging preventative maintenance, the Shrek team of experts helps you avoid costly repairs and helps to optimize the performance of your cooling system.

By working with such industry leaders as American Standard, Brian and his team of experts know what it takes to achieve long-term satisfaction and they help to reach sustainable solutions in home comfort through a smooth installation process, beginning to end. Shrek Heating & Air Conditioning, LLC encourages you to contact us at (419) 396-5764 for affordable choices, free estimates on replacement systems, and expert installation services anywhere across Ottawa Hills, Oregon, Sylvania, Maumee, Rossford, Northwood, and Alexis Addition, OH. Good Guys, Good Prices!

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